purple flowers on paper

Welcome to Page Perfect Proofreading

I write about all things proofreading and editing.

woman in striped shirt sitting on bed while writing


Proofreading is the process of reading written work and marking any errors in the spelling, grammar and punctuation. A proofreader does not edit content.

a white box with writing on it next to a plant


Copyediting is the process of revising written material to identify and fix grammar, spelling, syntax, word choice, consistency and more.

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table

Line Editing

Line Editing is the book editing process, the goal is to enhance the author’s writing style and the texts effectiveness by making suggestions.

man holding white ceramic teacup

What to Check When Proofreading

A few things I like to check when proofreading is Spelling and Grammar, Puctuation, Typography and more.

Proofreading and Copyediting Services

The proofreading and copyediting services I provide are the perfect solution for writers who want to publish the best and most polished writing they possibly can. I offer a wide range of customizable options with my services; we can create an order through a free consultation that truly suits your needs and wants for your project. So why wait? Get your writing edited and ready for publishing!

brown pencil on white book beside black eyeglasses
91 brochure beside tray with mug, biscuits, and green succulent plant

Experience Your Journey Towards Publishment

As you set your eyes on your publishing goals and the impending deadline, don’t waste your time worrying about little errors and small things that can be fixed later. You just focus on creating that masterpiece and I’ll catch all the pesky last-minute errors that always love to hangout. Your deadline is looming near, get your writing edited and ready for publishing!

flat ray photography of book, pencil, camera, and with lens

Let’s Start This Journey

Your Writing Journey Ends Here to Make Way for Your Publishing Journey to Begin

Start your publishing journey with your proofreader!

Read my blog on all things proofreading

My blog focusses on everything to do with proofreading and editing.

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Contact me

Feel free to contact me with any ideas, questions or if you want to collaborate. Please get in touch! I would love to chat.


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